Having shown both linear and curved chanukiot to a number of people, opinion is very polarised on preferences between the two profiles! To date, the majority of people expressed a strong preference for the linear chanukiah but I would welcome thoughts on this from visitors to my site.
What is your preference?
To make a chanukiah I am requesting a minimum donation of £50 to one of the listed charities for a simple linear chanukiah. Minimum donations for curved or custom made chanukiot will be agreed in discussion between us.
Having made a number of chanukiot with the shamash holder prepared from an offcut of a piece of whisky barrel wood (as above), I am now experimenting with shaping small pieces of whisky barrel wood to form shamash holders to form individual, unique and perhaps more modern looking chanukiot. I would welcome feed and comments on these new forms of chanukiot.
A simple chanukiah with a small wooden lozenge shape to raise the shamash.